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Custom Built PC's


Dare to dream!

Whether or not you have an idea of exactly what you want in your dream PC - we can help fulfil that dream.

It's very simple - let us know your total budget and what you want your dream PC to have and we will advise on the possibilities available.

Alternatively, suggest what you want the PC to have (graphics cards, hard drive size, RAM etc and we will give you some options on costs.

If you already have a monitor, then maybe you don't need another - saving money.

If you just want a PC for word processing and that's about it, then the cost might be as low as £250 including V.A.T.

However, if you want a top end, high spec gaming machine that can save TV/radio to hard drive and is as quiet as a mouse playing musical statues, then the cost could be as high as £1200 including V.A.T.

Can you get that in a flaming red case - yes you can!

Can you have a digital card reader - yes you can!

Whatever you want - FPC can make that dream happen.

Cost to Build (ontop of hardware costs) - £150& £200 (basic & complex models)

 Our sister company repair and upgrade computersGo to Bristol computers - Filton